
Do good...

Body Mind Soul Mallorca will donate part of its proceeds to the Steffen Lohrer Foundation to support camps for chronically ill children. The camps provide these children with unforgettable experiences and much-needed support.

The Steffen Lohrer Foundation, founded in Heidelberg in 2012, promotes holistic medicine and personal growth. The focus is on healing the body, mind and soul through stress management, inner growth and alternative healing methods.

With your help, we can achieve a lot together. Support the Steffen Lohrer Foundation and help more people gain access to holistic healing methods and personal growth. Your support can positively change the lives of many people and help them find inner peace and health.

For further information about the Steffen Lohrer Foundation please visit

Learn more about the foundation’s work here

All projects funded in 2023:

1. The vision of the non-profit association Medicine and Humanity (MuM) is a loving change in society and especially in the health system, which leads to more humanity and interpersonal connection. MuM creates meeting spaces and offers innovative teaching and learning opportunities.

2. The aim of Hungry Hearts is to take the concerns and fears of people with eating disorders seriously and to ensure that society is aware of the issue. Educational work is carried out in schools and clubs.

3. We support a research project at the University Hospital Essen that is investigating the effect of yoga breathing exercises (pranayama) in trauma therapy. A study is investigating how pranayama emotionally stabilizes patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and improves tolerance to trauma exposure techniques. Initial results show that pranayama can reduce symptoms more effectively than conventional stabilization techniques.

4. Promote the Tree Rescuer Primer for children. This primer deals with the trees that grow in the middle of our cities and villages. Children can learn about the superpowers of trees and how they can make friends with trees. The primer can be downloaded free of charge from the Baumretter e.V. website and ordered as a printed copy.

5. Support for the unique aid organization "delfine therapieren menschen e.V.", which provides animal-assisted therapy with dolphins for children and adults with physical and mental disabilities. The scientifically proven therapy concept follows a holistic approach that takes into account people with all their strengths and weaknesses.

6. Every two years, the Kreis e.V. organizes initiative and vision trips for young men (Into the wild) and young women (Roots Wings) aged 17 to 26. In this crucial phase of the transition from youth to adulthood, the participants are accompanied by the wild nature and the men's and women's circles. These trips offer support and enable young people to consciously take the step into adulthood and set decisive course for their own path.

7. Promote the film "Homo Deus - Homo Mors". Transhumanists see life as limited and flawed, shaped by a deficient view of humanity. Their approach of eliminating human problems through technical solutions reduces people to pure matter and kills their essence - including soul, spirit, beauty and love. The film sheds light on the ideological concepts behind these developments, warns of dangers and suggests sensible solutions.

8. The WOB - World Open Brain VFG is a green and social academy for education, training and further education. It offers holistic health care and welfare, including psychological support for children, young people and adults as well as alternative healing and prevention methods through conscious nutrition with natural foods and remedies. Organic gardening, healthy regional cuisine with a focus on vegetarian and vegan nutrition, music, mental training, self-defense, sports and the promotion of aesthetics through art support everyone involved.

9. The Hero's Journey is a 7-day self-awareness seminar with elements from shape therapy, theater and bodywork. The seminar is being offered for the first time to students at the University of Witten/Herdecke (and externals) through the Associations of Anthroposophic Medicine and Psychology.

10. Modern breast cancer treatment is stressful for the body, mind and soul, especially after treatment has been completed. The Mindfulness and Self-Compassion focused Walking project focuses on holistic healing based on scientific data and personal experience. In small groups, breast cancer sufferers learn how they can actively contribute to their own recovery alongside established treatments. Appropriate physical activity and mindfulness for oneself are emphasized as an important contribution to the rest of one's life.

11. Rüdiger Sünner's film cycle "Soul Landscapes" uses "holy places" in England, Scotland and Germany to trace the millennia-old traditions of European spirituality, ranging from the megalithic cultures to the Celts and Germanic tribes and Christian shrines of the Middle Ages. A personal cinematic exploration by a director who has been travelling to these countries for decades and wants to clarify what the term "soul landscape" could mean for him and for us.

12. Shambhala held a mindfulness congress with lectures and workshops on topics such as self-awareness, mindful economics, environmentally conscious action and mindful communication. Shambhala teachers pass on their experiences in theory and practice, with mindfulness always being the focus - the quality of being present in the here and now.

13. In therapeutically supported workshops, Invisible Showing supports vaccine victims in processing their experiences of a lack of understanding and solidarity, broken trust and helplessness. Their profound experiences are expressed and artistically transformed; they become visible and tangible under the protection of the work of art.

14. Promotion of the JamJam Festival, an improvisational fusion of dance jam, music jam and scenic experimentation. The JamJam Festival is a place of joie de vivre and personal and collective consciousness development. It allows the participants to experience themselves as part of a community, to explore their own musical expressive potential, as well as to train their physical movement and expressive abilities.

15. Wandelraum is a non-profit organization for children, young people and adults, where people are accompanied on their individual path to their strength, health and potential. In addition to courses and workshops, therapeutic stays on a farm lasting several weeks are offered. The focus of the work is on nature, art, animals, as well as body and mind in order to be able to approach things as holistically as possible.

16. The film “Eigensinn” explores the psychological and spiritual dimension of the Corona crisis and questions the mechanistic view of humanity in modern times. He highlights the connection between this crisis and the loss of the inner psychological world, of deep feelings and a metaphysical level. The question is: How can we rediscover the inner soul level, the spiritual invisible and the divine inner self in order to get out of the present materialistic state of helplessness and despair?

17. The vision of the future village Waldhof as an integrative health resort is concretized by an innovative concept: a solidarity seminar operation called "The art of living by subscription". This offer includes coaching, courses and lectures to strengthen physical and mental health, personality development, creative and artistic self-expression, promotion of heartfelt togetherness and forward-looking practices of a sustainable lifestyle.

18. The Institute of Clinical Economics (ICE) e.V. is a non-profit scientific association that has described a complete method with which the added value of health services can be demonstrated in everyday care (not in the laboratory or experiment). The next project deals with the proof of the “suitability for everyday use” of established conventional and non-conventional medical health services.

19. Support for chronically ill patients who are being treated at the Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital due to a long-term and serious illness. Since 2002, COURAGE has been developing and promoting a wide range of projects that, in addition to medical care, are intended to serve as sources of strength and provide courage. These include, for example, additional therapeutic services such as music therapy as well as offers to structure everyday clinical life such as visits from hospital clowns on the wards.

20. Promotion of the 6th SMS Congress for Chinese Medicine, which, with 250 to 300 participants in German-speaking countries, is developing into an important place for scientific exchange in the field of Chinese medicine. The main focus of the congress is on the clinical application of Chinese medicine, its current scientific research and its further development with a view to meaningful integration into our medical care. The financial grant enables the presence, lectures and workshops of renowned international scientists and lecturers.

21. Support for therapy camps for chronically ill children and the burnout camps run by the Auswege Foundation. Many children in the 36 camps, all of whom were chronically ill and "treatment-resistant" from a conventional medical perspective, made health improvements within eight to nine days that they had not seen for months and years - both in the opinion of the camp doctors and in the assessment of the patients themselves. At the Burnout Camp 2022, 85% of participants felt “better” afterwards and most even “much better”. 12 doctors, 9 alternative practitioners, 6 psychologists/psychotherapists, 23 healers, 22 other therapists (art, music, sound, dance, painting, occupational, biofeedback, bioresonance, hippo, color light therapists, meditation teachers, masseurs, etc.) have worked voluntarily over the years.

22. The film “Looking Inside” documents what motivates people to look beyond the outer, known world and venture into unknown territory. With this question, the film addresses the topic of spirituality and its diverse forms and human approaches in images and interviews (including with Steffen Lohrer). It shows people who have taken very personal spiritual paths to integrate the spiritual into their lives in different ways and, as a result, have reoriented their lives.

23. Grant for students, pupils and unemployed people at events organized by the LEBENSKUNST e.V. association, which makes a beneficial contribution to character building with its continuous series of lectures and its competent, reputable speakers from the fields of religion, psychology, medicine, education, brain research... The aim of the association is to create a personally strengthened person who feels challenged and able to cope with the demands of life and who is able to take his life into his own hands despite some unfavorable circumstances, instead of allowing himself to be dictated, numbed and directed by others.

24. Caring and Healing is committed to ensuring that more humanity returns to medicine and that the person is the focus of treatment rather than the symptoms.

25. ANANDA e.V. is a school founding association on Lake Constance. Donation for a yurt, in which a place of meeting and learning for children, young people and parents will be created as part of a course program starting in autumn 2022. The concept of the ANANDA Free School is holistic and includes, among other things, mindfulness, meditation, yoga and spirituality.

26. The One Spirit Festival is one of the most famous festivals in Europe and is a meeting place for spiritually oriented people interested in esotericism or meditation. There are lectures, question and answer sessions and many concerts, as well as stalls and the opportunity for consultations. The Steffen Lohrer Lounge invites spiritual teachers or coaches to give lectures and/or answer questions.

27. The "Non-Duality Days, Healing and Self-Exploration" are supported by the Steffen Lohrer Foundation and take place in the Seminarhof Schlegelberg in Rottenbach / Upper Austria, with the participants: Shiva, Gaia, Andreas Nothing, HO and Muni and songs and mantra singing with Grace Margarete Saturday evening.

28. Bowtech is an independent, dynamic system of holistic muscle and connective tissue application and an effective relaxation technique for activating the body's own powers, which stimulates the fascia with targeted, gentle grips on the connective tissue and muscles. The Bowtech Germany Association passes on the knowledge about BOWTECH®, the original Bowen technique, to all interested parties and also enables training and further education.

29. A new study will be conducted to collect scientifically tangible data relating to people with special abilities (e.g. in deep trance, during meditation or telepathic abilities, etc.). An important part consists of examining brain waves using EEG during mediumistic sessions. A first EEG test measurement was made on the medium Bettina Suvi Rode last year and remarkable results were shown. This first EEG examination revealed abnormalities, particularly in the delta wave range. Before the messages were transmitted through the medium, an absolute "zero line" was usually recognizable, but then enormous peaks in the delta wave range followed shortly before the message was transmitted. The EEG device to be purchased will be used to examine other people with special psi abilities in detail using EEG.


RK Business Consulting SL


C/. Ametler, 60

E-07600 Palma

Telefon: +34 600 586 686


René Knopf


Eingetragen in Spanien

Handelsregister-Nr. : B16635203



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RK Business Consulting SL


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